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Getting to know: Pat Tomlins

Pat Tomlins may have only been a resident at the community since last November, but she has already had a big impact on those around her. To get to know her a little better, we asked her to tell us about herself.

What kind of work did you do before you retired?

“I was a professional secretary/administrative assistant and spent the majority of years I worked as administrative assistant for Sam Evans at Evans Grain Company in Salina. When Evans Grain sold the office and closed, I wasn’t quite ready to retire, so I went to work for consumer credit counseling in the education department and taught budget workshops for five years before retiring.”

Tell us about your family.

“I have two sons who live in town—Dr. Byron Tomlins, who is a retired chiropractor, and Scott Tomlins, who works for Longshot Enterprises—six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I’m very blessed.”

What are your hobbies?

“I used to love to knit and made shawls for my church group, but my arthritis has set in on my hands. I also like to read non-fiction, particularly biographies. Right now, I’m reading Madeline Albright’s new book.”

What brought you to the community?

“In 2002, I began to examine the retirement communities in Salina and found that Presbyterian Manor was the only one that offered levels of care and that was my number one priority—plus, I knew many friends who already lived here. So, after visiting with friends and talking with my family, I decided to visit and got on the waiting list. I was called several times before I was ready to move in, but never lost my place in line and eventually made the move in November 2018.”

What activities do you like to participate in at the community?

“I really have gotten into volunteering here. I especially enjoy the two to three times a month I help a volunteer coordinator in the healthcare area. I am also volunteering for the Country Store that’s open every noon hour Monday through Friday.”

Anything else you’d like to share?

“Getting on the waiting list when I did was the best decision I could have made concerning my future—I'm very happy here.”

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